Monday, September 8, 2008

Amethyst - Purple Beauty

  I love amethyst.  The color of royalty and nobility, purple just makes me feel good, particularly when I’m wearing it.  

February’s birthstone, amethyst is not only beautiful, it’s a powerful healing gemstone.  

Read the full post at my new blogsite.   You can buy amethyst jewelry, a talisman, or a purple scarf from my website.


Anonymous said...

Now you've got me wondering. Are there other forms of Quartz that we commonly think of as simply gem stones? How about Garnets or Agates?

Peg said...

Ahhh, Margaret, you always ask such good questions. Here are some interesting quartz facts. The world's most abundant gemstone, quartz makes up an amazing 12% of the Earth's crust. You've surely seen it in rocks you've picked up -- you know the little shiny bits that, when you were a kid you thought might have been diamonds? That's quartz.

I'm not going to go into the geology of it all (mostly because I really don't understand it. I BARELY made it through geology in college), but there are two basic types of quartz - those with large crystals that we can easily see with our naked eyes, and those with small crystals that require a microscope to be seen. In the first group are some gemstones most people are familiar with, including amethyst, citrine, aventurine, tiger eye, smoky quartz, rose quartz.

The second group, with the small crystals, are commonly called chalcedony, and includes agates, jaspers, onyx, bloodstone, carnelian, and stones simply referred to by their color names: blue, purple, pink, and green chalcedony.

Watch my blog, because I'll be discussing many of these stones in future entries, and keep asking questions!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's amazing! The types are so varied it's hard to imagine they're all in the same family. I'm so glad I asked. I'll never look at Quartz in the same way now that I know its many [beautiful] faces and "crusty" nature.

Daisy Soap Girl said...

I just love your work. Your things are beautiful.

Daisy Soap Girl said...

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that Amethyst is my birth stone.

Peg said...

Thanks, Daisy. As a February girl, I'm betting that purple looks great on you, too, whether it's amethyst jewelry or purple clothes.
