Friday, August 22, 2008

Choosing Your Talisman

So you’ve decided you’d like a healing gemstone talisman. How do you select one that’s right for you? As with most things in life, you have an array of choices.

If you don’t have any particular problem, just go shopping and see what attracts your eye and feels good in your hand.

If you do have a specific problem you're trying to resolve, say arthritis, you'll need research.

Read the entire post at my new blogsite, or contact me for more information.


Anonymous said...

When my mother was ill a native American friend brought her a smooth piece of Quartz from a river in China. It fit in the palm of her hand perfectly and was something to hold on to. Not exactly a talisman but, a comforting stone.

Peg said...

Yep. Some (I think many) talismans are just like that. Something to hold on to when you feel things slipping away - your humor, your health, your understanding. They are comforting through, I believe, a combination of their solid smoothness and the actual properties of the gemstone itself. Glad it helped your mom.