Monday, July 7, 2008

My First Talisman

I’d been making jewelry for a few years when the opportunity for creating a healing talisman presented itself.  One of my dearest friends, who happens to be a skilled herbalist, had a little grandson who was troubled by night terrors.  Benjamin’s mom would sing, rock, and otherwise try to soothe him when he woke in the middle of the night terrified. 

Read the entire post at my new blogsite...

1 comment:

Troyjjefferson said...

There is something about the way that healing talismans work which really can provide comfort to people in need. It may be the way that it connects people to the earth and grounds them. It could be that it's a reminder of the people around them and it help push thoughts elsewhere opposed to the situation that is distressing them. Whatever the case may be, many people believe that these are answers to problems involving the soul.